Sunday, August 29, 2010

Brian G. Utley, Douglas A. Boehm, Taylor, Inc., - a Story of Massive Shareholder Fraud and STOMPING on Inventors RIGHTS.

Douglas A. Boehm Foley and Lardner, Brian Utley, - ALL these folks simply IGNORE the Blatant Attack on Inventors Rights, Civil Rights, Morals, Laws and seem to have no remorse what so ever.

The Iviewit Patent Applications were and are confirmed to be on file at the United States Patent Office YET the Wall of Corruption over the Iviewit Stolen Technology is So CORRUPT that the SEC -the Patent Office... the DOJ.. the FBI .. can do nothing.. and in Fact even our President worked at Foley and Lardner at one time as well as did some corrupt USPTO "Officials"..

Folks Please Keep in Mind We ALL use the Iviewit DENIED Patent, Stolen Technology every day. it is Worth Trillions upon Trillions and these Corrupt Companies have been making this VERY Big Money for Over a Decade with TOTAL disregard to the Iviewit Shareholders, Inventors and their Quality of Life in ANY way....

Inventors Everywhere are affected by This.

YOU as Taxpayers are Affected... the Corruption Surrounding the Iviewit Stolen Patent... involves some of the Biggest Tech Companies and the Elite Law Firms.. in the World.. as well as the Government Corruption in the USPTO ( USA Patent Office) , the Corruption in the SEC, the Department of Justice, the FBI, District - State and Federal Courts.. and well this Wall of Corruption DOES really affect us all.. and well...

Enough is Enough !!!

Every Branch of Government, Every Law Enforcement Agency on EVERY level Knows of the Multi-Trillion Dollar Iviewit Scandal and they Currently are DOING nothing to warn Shareholders or Bring ANY kind of justice to those whose lives and portfolios were ruined.. wiped out by the effects of the Iviewit Stolen Technology.. Including all those who lost millions with the Massive Collapse of Enron.. which was IN FACT to do with the Iviewit STOLEN technology and the Corrupt Law Firm of Proskauer Rose.

More on this MASSIVE Shareholder Fraud that Affects Us All


You are Either on the Side of the VICTIM or the Side of the CRIMINAL, Plain and Simple !!!